
Sunday, November 13, 2011

"IF YOU WERE MINE" giveaway

coba-coba giveaway untuk kesekian kalinya...
wish me luck :D

If you were mine,
I'd be your everything and you'd be the only thing that I would ever need
If you were mine,
I would tell everyone that you are the only one that I could ever want
if you were mine,
I would give you all the attention that you need
if you were mine,
i'd be the bridge for your soul
If you were mine,
everything would be fine I won't leave you behind
if you were mine,
you have to believe You'll never be alone
if you were mine,
I would take you out and make you laugh 
if you were mine,
I will show you things you ain't seen and do anything you want 
if you were mine...


  1. hai, makasih udah berpartisipasi. nama kamu sudah tercantum di list peserta. ditunggu untuk pengumumannya ya.

    GUdlak ^ ^

  2. wah iyaaa ka,, wish me luck aja deh ka hihi :D


gimme your comment :)